What is Gum Contouring?

Gum contouring is just another term for gum surgery. It is primarily designed to correct serious gum conditions such as “gummy smile”, in which excess gum overlaps the teeth, making the person appear toothless, much to their public shame and embarrassment when they smile.

Happily, there is a solution for such a serious gum condition. It is the above medical procedure. It is an relatively easy and painless surgical procedure. The patient has the option of using the traditional or conventional method of scalpel surgery or they can use the more state-of-the-art alternative of laser surgery, which is much more easier-and painless. One will have to decide whether their budget can afford such a costly, yet very effective procedure.

Before the surgical endeavour is carried out, the doctor will meet with the prospective patient to consider the options of such a surgical procedure. Once it is agreed upon by both client and dentist that such a gum surgery is carried out, the patient will be asked to sign a document that allows him-or her to perform the surgery.

Using either a scalpel or modern-day laser surgery, the dental practitioner will remove excess skin from the patient’s gums.